It's not stupidity that clings to settlements in the west bank: the entire judicial overhaul was and still is meant to ensure that democracy is sufficiently weakened in Israel to allow for annexaction of "Judea and Samaria" along with hounding Palestinians there and denying them any right to vote.

Brutality in Gaza and ultimately in Lebanon goes along with this mindset. Netanyahu heads the annexationists: he needs to be removed and they need to be marginalized.

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs agoAuthor

Oh, I don't disagree with your conclusions. There is an element of stupidity, I maintain, not only on the part of supporters who don't think ahead but even by the cleverer "plotters" who think any of this will work. But that is all somehow nuance. The annexationists clearly need to go.

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You will never defeat righteous resistance against colonization, ethnic cleansing and genocide. The colony known as israel has only ensured its definitive defeat with millions around the globe ready to fight israel everywhere

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I like the sound of your proposed solutions.

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