Maybe it was just a warning from Iran, and it's time for Israel to think seriously about a low intensity war escalating into a full scale war. Can Israel create a cease fire and get NATO into a discussion? Here's an example of brainstorming:

John Mearsheimer and Jeffrey Sachs | All-In Summit 2024


Be safe Dan Perry - we don't want you or your family caught in the crossfire.

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In what is now a tic for tax, Netanyahu keeps escalating the fight in appeasing his right wing allies who are egging him on to take on Iran directly while apparently hoping to drag the US into its fight against Iran; however, in polling done in August 2024, the majority of Americans oppose US involvement in another ME war. It appears that the attack with significant US support helped avert significant destruction to Israel. If Netanyahu was prudent, he would take the win and look for an off ramp to deescalate the crisis which is ultimately in everyone’s interest.

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What the hell are you even talking about? Israel did not touch Hezbollah, yet over the past year close to 10,000 rockets were shot at Israel, and close to 100,000 were displaced from their homes. Do you expect Israel to continue being a doormat?

Israel did nothing to the Houthis, yet they have been firing rockets non-stop at Israel. Do you expect Israel to continue being a Raggedy Ann?

Israel did not touch Iran, yet Iran just took the unprecedented and brazen step of launching hundreds of ballistic missiles at a sovereign country.

I guess by Netanyahu "escalating", you mean striking back and not being a punching bag. Your double-standard anti-Semitism is obvious though.

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"Another line in the sand is crossed"; Expressions of this view and "response" show the other side that they are controlling the choreography too closely! As noted earlier in the piece, the situation for Israel is ALREADY unacceptable and that is the only cause of defensive action. "No lives being lost" is NOT the key metric that Israel should have highlighted in the options plan; Israel having to stop normal life, the picture of i24 on the stairway refers, IS. Proforma responses have expired.

A "tactical strike on Iran" cannot be just an irritant; It must be game changing in a calculated way. Damaging Iran's 'infrastructure' will severely impact the, some 80%, of the Iranian suppressed population who already support regime change, will worry China over its oil supplies - "Iran telegraphed [their] attack with warnings to Russia (and thereby China to engage their concern) and the US"! Nothing will "create enough pain for Iran to deter future actions" except 'life changing' interruption to their nuclear weapon programme! This is the only game in town and one which Iran will have been preparing for since commencing the plan for October 7 2023.

A "strategic overhaul of the region's balance of power". In his work "The Accent of Man", Jacob Bronowski commented, on the discovery of DNA "If in twenty years this is not on the book shelf of every school, then we will have ceased to exist". So it is the case for "A "strategic overhaul of the region's balance of power".

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