Won't this escalation further retard peace talks? Andis that perhaps part of its purpose?

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Without a doubt

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How did we end up living in a world, where one side can terrorize the civilian population with abandon, while the other side has constantly hold back in fear of some "escalation"?

Hezbolla and Hamas (and the Iranian regime) are committed to the destruction of Israel. How isn't it obvious yet that escalation management with these enemies is not a viable strategy. I would even say, escalation management is the lack of any strategy.

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At some point, the more plates that are spinning means the odds are at least one will fall if not all as it is impossible to keep all the plates spinning Netanyahu has put in motion. In order to avoid diplomacy, Netanyahu is being reckless and irresponsible with the lives of the hostages and Israel.

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To witness the widescale, coordinated attack by video today - of the Hezbollah members handheld pagers that heat-up, then explode killing two and wounding others is a barbarian attack attributed to Israel. Lebanese media outlets and Sky News Arabia report that Israel managed to hack the portable pagers and cause them to explode.

It feels as if Israel assumes it can recklessly attack, and not try to offer any diplomacy - to bring an end to the northern war. Why should the US (and NATO) be engaged in future military escalation, when Netanyahu is not a competent, focused leader, and Netanyahu does not see a valuable expert general in Yoav Gallant.

Although Hizbollah said it refuses to engage in conversation about future security arrangements in the south as long as the Gaza war continues...we need to search for an off-ramp of encouraging the parties to shift the focus away from a new military confrontation, toward the logic of diplomatic engagement by opening diplomatic talks. Until a ceasefire happens, it would be especially important for those with influence over the parties to hold them back from the possibility of a wider war that could easily spiral out of control.

As Chas W. Freeman says - can we look at the lessons learned and explore 'Diplomacy as Strategy'.

[Ambassador Freeman chairs Projects International, Inc. He is a retired U.S. defense official, diplomat, and interpreter, the recipient of numerous high honors and awards, a popular public speaker, and the author of five books.]

Thank you Dan Perry, for another article on the complexities within the Middle East.



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