In my credo, free speech does not protect hate speech. Support for Palestinian people does not equal support for Hamas. Condemnation of Israel's murdering Palestinians, selling Palestinian's land in the West Bank, bombing Gaza into rubble, bombing hospitals, starving refugees, does not equal support for Hamas. Democracy, Diversity, Equal Rights, Equality, and Inclusion in access to justice and resources are pillars of American belief, if not behavior. Ivy League universities, and I attended 2 of them, have a duty to tell blackmailers to fuck off.

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I think you’re missing the point here.

There’s nothing in actions taken against Columbia that says, “you’re losing your funding because of protests against Israels, because you’re pointing out Israel expropriation of Palestinian land, because you’re saying things that the US government doesn’t agree with.”

It’s been very apparent for quite a while that large swaths of college protests interfered in meaningful ways with a Jewish students’ ability to gain an education. This discrimination is prohibited in Title VI dating back to 1964. Yet many college campuses have openly flouted title VI to the point that Christina Gay, with a straight face, could say that pronoun misuse is always abuse but that chanting “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free” only might be considered harassment against Jewish students students depending on context.

And, before you say it, it makes not one iota difference if Jewish students take part in anti Zionist protests. That’s not how laws work.

Trump may be heavy-handed and he may yet trample on free speech rights about which you’re concerned. But that hasn’t happened yet and it’s not the focus of actions taken against Columbia.

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In no particular order.

While hate speech may not be protected speech in private entities, hate speech is protected speech under the constitution. And, as you point out, many universities prevent all kinds of speech against various favored groups, only allowing for unfettered speech against Jews and Israel.

Is it possible for Israel, under its system, to get rid of Netanyahu without the Haredim preventing this?

I’m currently in Asia, and when people ask about Ukraine, which they all do, I say that Trump does not here represent the US, but himself. I hope that is true.

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Yes, Israel can get rid of Netanyahu -- but the Haredim will automatically vote for him and that just needs to be priced in (indeed, it clarifies).

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Trump absolutely does not represent all or even most of America, I agree. There is maybe a third who has bought the pro-Putin line.

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